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We all have our food affinities—the foods we can’t imagine surviving a deserted island without—even celebrities. For many, these cravings are more practical, like Dolly Parton’s love for potatoes or Audrey Hepburn’s "obsession" with pasta. We can all relate, in one way or another, to those beloved staples.
But Matthew McConaughey’s favorite food? Well, it doesn’t exactly fall into that category. In a recent podcast episode, McConaughey shared his number one food love, and it’s one of those foods people either love or hate—there’s no in-between.
Matthew McConaughey’s Favorite Food
We know McConaughey loves his burgers, and we’ve even been recently enlightened by his favorite Texas-style snack, but we’ve never seen him talk about food with such passion as when someone mentioned ketchup. “I love ketchup,” he shared, with a look on his face as serious as any of his award-winning performances.
Ketchup is something most of us wouldn’t even consider a food—we’d call it call an ingredient. But, to McConaughey, it’s a food group in and of itself.
“I put ketchup on my ketchup,” McConaughey admitted. We understand he might be speaking in hyperbole here, but it sounds like he eats other foods just for the ketchup itself, like a toddler eating carrot sticks strictly for the ranch dressing (no shame—we were all that toddler at one time).
In the podcast, McConaughey talks about the magic of experiencing both salty and sweet at the same time. And he’s pretty particular about the way he enjoys his ketchup, too. Take burgers, for example. “I love ketchup on a burger, but,” he says, “it’s best to dip it, so the ketchup is the first thing to hit the palate!”
What does he eat ketchup with? The better question would probably be ‘What does he not eat ketchup with?’ Scrambled eggs? Of course. But that probably just scratches the surface of his ketchup explorations. In fact, in his memoir, "Greenlights", McConaughey admits to a time when he routinely ate heads of lettuce with ketchup on it for dinner. Now, we've heard of a lot of crazy ketchup combinations in our time, but that has to be one of the wackiest we've come across.
McConaughey isn’t the only A-list ketchup enthusiast out there. Other celebrities, including football star Patrick Mahomes (a self-proclaimed "ketchup connoisseur"), share his love for the condiment. And speaking of Audrey Hepburn, ketchup was part of her go-to "sauce" for her routine pasta dinners.
Now, we don’t know exactly what kind of ketchup McConaughey keeps stocked in his pantry (or is it fridge?), but we can tell that McConaughey is a man of taste, so we wouldn’t be surprised if he already knows the top player in the ketchup rankings.
Ketchup may not have the same level of controversy as mayo, but it definitely has its share of passionate fans—and passionate haters. But for those on the ketchup-loving side of the fence, you can rest easy knowing Matthew McConaughey is standing proudly in your corner.