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May 29, 2024 5:27 AM

Nov 2011
Glad to see Yumiko and Chika getting their confidence and energy level back. They're also doing the right thing for Asaka too.

One thing that does feel off though is changing Yumiko's role. But hey, she has to adapt with change. It's what happens in the entertainment industry to expect the unexpected.
May 29, 2024 6:14 AM

Mar 2021
So awesome to see Yumiko and Chika back to doing what they love. I think it was a bit wrong to change Yumiko's role so suddenly without much warning but am sure she will come back more confident and energised.
May 29, 2024 6:32 AM

Aug 2017
Strong episode, seeing Yasumi struggling with her new role and feeling down after not performing to her best was painful but also a good representation of how hard this industry can be. I'm sure she'll bounce back, it's a new role and everything for her.
May 29, 2024 6:47 AM

Dec 2021
Yasumi was under a lot of pressure because of the talented seiyuu's she was working with. It's not surprising she struggled, but it was still hard to watch.

The ending scene was really well done, with Yasumi crying on the bridge, especially with the music. Can't wait for the next episode.

May 29, 2024 7:01 AM
Sep 2022
A very realistic episode: Chika is in a bad mood because of Yumiko success. Yumiko feels superior after getting a role in the Kamishiro anime. Yumiko can’t control her emotions and ends up speaking harshly to Chika.

I know this is bad, but I sometimes find myself in similar situations too. XD
May 29, 2024 7:44 AM

Jan 2023
After all the tense moments in the last few episodes, this one starts all fun and chill, but it doesn't last.
This time the focus is on Yasumi, who lands a fairly big job, but finds herself unprepared for it and consequently doubts herself and gets all stressed out and anxious for the future.
I hope, one of these days, we'll see her and Yuuhi get a little bit more honest with each other, because I feel like it would help them get through things a lot easier, instead of playing these roles who only contributes to pushing the other away.

Next week looks fun at least, judging from the post credits pic :)
May 29, 2024 8:29 AM

Aug 2019
its like there constantly some drama going on. why is she stressing out now? she got recommended for it and passed the audition so she can clearly do it.
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May 29, 2024 9:07 AM
Apr 2024
I still think it's an undervalued anime this season, we see another episode with serious problems for the main characters of the plot and we see that despite all the masks they create to suffer less, eventually they fall, it remains one of the top 5 animes in this season. season, it's very worth it, because we see that behind all the industry and all the dreams, are where the nightmares and anguish stay.
May 29, 2024 9:33 AM

Mar 2023
Yasumi really dropped the ball in that recording session. Maybe there's a reason she doesn't do rival/nemesis types.
May 29, 2024 9:37 AM
Feb 2024
That’s got to be the worst feeling as a voice actor ever. You have to know your character inside and out and know exactly how they would feel about something at any given time to effectively relay that emotion without it being too much or too little… that’s got to be really hard. And failing to raise to the challenge in front of people you admire is just adding insult to injury.
It’s too bad that Yuhi came to her as a rival instead of a friend at the end there, Yasumi really needed one.
May 29, 2024 9:56 AM

Aug 2022
Satou is very poor, when she has good self-confidence.

At first Satou was trusted to play the antagonist role in the anime, but for some reason Satou failed to do so. This of course makes her very down now.

She was jealous of Watanabe and she was also ashamed of Watanabe at the same time. I hope Satou gets back up and trains again so everything will be better.

RafaBryanMay 29, 2024 10:10 AM
May 29, 2024 10:02 AM
Sep 2020
Easily best episode so far, I wasn't actually expecting the anime to give us a proper sequence in regards to anime voice acting, since that usually was just cut short and skipped over.
May 29, 2024 10:30 AM

May 2021
Ahhhghhgg this week's episode has done critical damage to me and it's only Wednesday.

Asaka-chan is a little angel, this was by far the best intro scene to an episode we've gotten this season. That just made my heart happy. Then literally everything else after that made my heart sad, depressed, and anxious. Yasumi is truly getting put through the ringer, first time with a veteran cast + she's forced to voice a role that she isn't comfortable with. Pros are pros though and you gotta do what you gotta do so I understand the angle. Yuuhi sparking the flames under her is hard to watch but also pretty necessary. I struggle to understand how girls can be so mean to each other and still be at a similar understanding for each other. It is extremely entertaining though so I won't question it!
May 29, 2024 10:33 AM

Aug 2022
I feel so bad for Yumiko, Her voice acting was great her first take was so powerful it gave me chills. But I guess it didn't fit with what they wanted and Yumiko has to adjust accordingly.
May 29, 2024 11:27 AM

Feb 2019
Very hard episode to watch. Really felt like a roller coaster of emotions and by the end of it I was heartbroken for my baby Yasumi. Hate seeing her go thru this.

Honestly didn’t expect things to get so depressing considering how we started off the episode all bright and cheery. The girls cleaning up Asaka apartment was so real, where can I find friends like that lmao.

Then we got good news about the fans basically turning on each other about stalking Yasumi and Yuhi so everyone’s more concerned about that than the girls themselves 😂

Yasumi getting her dream role in a Kamishiro anime, like this should’ve been a nice chill episode.. until Yasumi’s insecurity reared its ugly head. To her defense though, idk how you can expect to give someone a script 24 hours before recording starts and then expect them to come in cooking. Like it takes time to get into that role and prepare, Yasumi’s “disappointing” first run is all down to the production staff’s incompetence.

The role is actually perfect for her too because she can channel that rivalry she has with Yuhi into it, which I’m sure we will see once she gets her head right. It’s just gotta be overwhelming to walk into the studio with all these people you’ve idolised growing up and they’ve got years of experience on you and then getting criticised by the director.. at only 16-17 years old. But she’ll bounce back.

Awesome ep
Marinate1016May 29, 2024 12:20 PM
May 29, 2024 3:35 PM
Mar 2012
Reply to Vicmiceli
I still think it's an undervalued anime this season, we see another episode with serious problems for the main characters of the plot and we see that despite all the masks they create to suffer less, eventually they fall, it remains one of the top 5 animes in this season. season, it's very worth it, because we see that behind all the industry and all the dreams, are where the nightmares and anguish stay.
@Vicmiceli tell me about it, one of the most underrated shows this season. 7.05 is way too low for it.
May 29, 2024 3:50 PM

Aug 2017
oh no, our poor Yasumi.🥹 She can actually do it if she wants to. But everyone has a slump sometimes. And when you're already exhausted, it's difficult to get back into shape. The production manager would have done a thousand more takes and nothing presentable would have come out of it.

I always find it interesting to see that in Japan the seiyuus recite their lines together - something that hardly ever happens in western productions.

Always like to hear interviews from voice actors who often regret that they can hardly recite their lines together with their colleagues in the studio. You can see how the joint interaction can improve the quality - but, as in the case of Yasumi, it can't always be positive. Especially when she's a relatively young actress sitting in a room full of veterans.

redorzo said:
seeing Yasumi struggling with her new role and feeling down after not performing to her best was painful but also a good representation of how hard this industry can be

I wouldn't have seen Yasumi as a villain coming. But I think it's an interesting challenge for her.
I think it's partly due to the unexpected role, the short preparation time, but mainly also the conflict with Yuuhi - the fact that she's not happy about taking part in the project with her has thrown her off track. Instead of deepening their friendship, the whole thing has actually fueled a conflict, so that the whole thing is affecting her work.

Marinate1016 said:
. To her defense though, idk how you can expect to give someone a script 24 hours before recording starts and then expect them to come in cooking. Like it takes time to get into that role and prepare, Yasumi’s “disappointing” first run is all down to the production staff’s incompetence.
That too. 24 hours for a role that is also completely different to her previous ones is definitely very short. I'm also not even sure how long the preparation times are in real life. Makes you admire the enormous changeability of the seiyuu job in the industry.

But I'm confident that Yasumi will get back on track next week, perhaps with after discussion or help from Yuuhi.

Don't give up Yasumi💪 I beg you.🙏

Next week there will be a Christmas episode in June. Hohoho🎅
May 29, 2024 5:55 PM
Feb 2021
This really hit me with painful relatibility 🥲 There are some days where you just fail to do something you're supposed to be good at in front of the people you need to see that. If sucks! It literally happened to me Yesterday and now im seeing it in my anime lol. I like that they showed that kind of pain. That was so mean of Watanabe at the end, she must have known Yasumi was upset (I mean she was going to console her) and that Yasumi tries to cover this kind of thing up with laughs, but she felt insulted and lashed out at Yasumi anyways. So sad for both of them, but I get that they're in high school and they still have a lot of emotional growing to do.
May 29, 2024 6:31 PM
Mar 2015
Our gril got an antagonist part but she flubbed it in front of yui
May 29, 2024 8:44 PM
Mar 2018
Man, these episodes always feel really short.

I hope Yasumi realises at some point that the annoying uncaring act she puts on in front of Yuuhi backfires 100% of the time.
May 29, 2024 8:45 PM

Aug 2022
After Episode 7's walk of shame that stirred up much more displeasure than usual, the series has now transitioned our heroines from "Voice Actor Radio" to "Voice Actor Anime". With the series focusing on two seiyuus, I was really wondering if we ever going to see them acting for a TV series. And I'm glad we did get to see that aspect in the second half of this episode.

I didn't like how at least one of the veteran seiyuus didn't do Yasumi any favors, and merely exacerbated her situation. If they had nothing good to say, they could have at least kept their mouth shut instead of making her feel worse. That felt very unprofessional. Sheesh. Cut Yasumi some slack folks. For veteran seyuus, they should know better.

The bridge scene at the end gave me Oshi no Ko Episode 6 flashbacks.... 😔 I just hope Yasumi does not get suicidal from all of this.

-Knox- said:
@Vicmiceli tell me about it, one of the most underrated shows this season. 7.05 is way too low for it.


Seems like the previous episode wasn't many user's liking, as the show's rating took a noticeable hit from Episode 05's high of 7.24 to its current rating of 7.05. For the show's sake at least, I hope it only gets better from hereon out to help boost its rating.
May 29, 2024 10:12 PM

Mar 2008
Yasumi landed a big villain role. Made Yuuhi a little jealous and caused Yasumi to get confident. I don't see what was wrong with her first take. It gave me goosebumps. Shitty ass staff gave her only 24 hours or less to prepare. The other voice actors not helping and the one being rude. Then Yuuhi was the final nail. I get she needs to pull herself together but damn. What the fuck do they expect from a fairly new voice actor!? Her anguish at the end tore me up.
AnimeJunkyMay 29, 2024 10:29 PM
May 29, 2024 10:36 PM

Nov 2021
Great episode.. really felt the tension at the end. Itou Miku did a really good job making some of Utatane's takes sound "amateur" ish.
May 30, 2024 4:31 AM

Mar 2024
The moment with the voice recording is very cool. It was interesting to see how anime is created. And also i understand Yasumi well in that feeling when you work on something for a long time and then fail. I was very sorry for her. I hope she doesnt give up and continues to work on herself and overcome troubles!

BTW, i also want to note this amazing work by the real Yasumi's seiyuu in voicing the villainess. It really felt like she wasnt doing very well. Itou Miku is awesome.
May 30, 2024 6:47 AM

May 2023
man...poor Yasumi i hope she can be more cheerful in the next episode she deserves the world.

It's definitely the best episode in this series, I hope the rating goes up again like it was truly an underrated series.
May 30, 2024 9:13 AM
Oct 2023
Finally an episode about actual VA work. I'm not sure if professionals are so harsh with one especially a veteran with newcomers, but then again I'm not in any competitive field.

I've heard that the sound director specifically was looking for a rival character, while admittedly giving Yasumi the villain role. Since technically Yasumi is a natural rival Chika, she should ease into the role much better in the following episodes.

Still an okay episode, I actually liked the previous one more because it was so absurd. The harshness of actual VA work did change the light hearted and non-serious melodramtic tone to something more seriously dramatic so while I understand it, I did not like as much.
May 30, 2024 10:54 PM

Oct 2022
Yasumi actually has a lot in common with the characters she’s voicing, she’s just needs to channel her feelings into the role.

May 31, 2024 4:17 PM

Jun 2021
it seemed for once a light episode with more interesting behind the scenes moments of the kind of industry, but once again it returned dark in the final part... even if it doesn't mean i disliked it, on the contrary, as much as i felt sorry for Yasumi it was well handled overall. Watching her going all confident in recording lines in a new role but discovering the production wanted something else, being scolded by veteran seiyuus, crying in the rain... poor girl.
May 31, 2024 4:58 PM

Dec 2009
I like how they decided to get creative and create a new gimmick of being dual personality in the same radio show... It's an interesting choice of resolution, definitely not the type of thing that would ever fly in the west.

I wonder if there's any precedent for seiyuu doing stuff like this as an intentional gimmick in response to fans?
It would be interesting to see if there were any irl cases that are similar to this anime.

The turn out at the end, feels bad... This is definitely where a big difference between japan and american acting. In american acting they will just get on your case and retake over and over and over until they get it right, whereas in japan the pressure is far more subtle, and everyone knows if they did a good job or not. I've noticed this a lot in how things are handled, the actors will scold themselves and ideally drive to improve without being preached at. The weight of your work is on your shoulders. She knows immediately she was subpar, and the director didn't have to say much, just reinforce the reality of that weight. It's brutal, it's rough, but it makes the stronger.

I'm more feeling for her because she upset Yuuhi for being a screw up, and surely a big part of why she's so upset.

The new bit in the OP made me giggle~
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“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Jun 5, 2024 9:56 PM
Feb 2019
Sinto pena da prota, gosto muito de como eles estão desenvolvendo o drama.
Jun 6, 2024 3:40 AM

Dec 2023
Bitch you live like this? That's OK, I want to indulge workaholic's customs while she looks at me with her drugged-up eyes.

The extrovert gyaru & anemic introvert Guard expanded into a large-scale movement I see. Hopefully those skills can be retooled to out intelligence assets. Gyarus are expected to be good at antagonizing eh? Director has garbage taste, extrovert gyaru should make the female antagonist sound more unhinged!
Jun 7, 2024 5:14 PM

Jun 2022
This episode was much more realistic and better than the last one. Otherwise, it's quite funny that the anime they are voicing resembles 'Date a Live' quite a bit. Mari (the one who got angry at Utatane) voices a character who has the same role as Reine, a character from 'Date a Live.' To top it all off, Mari and Reine have the same seiyuu!
Jun 7, 2024 10:24 PM

Mar 2008
I feel really sorry for Yasumi getting placed in a good role but having no time to prepare and feeling down about her performance.
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Jun 11, 2024 5:00 PM

Aug 2019
What? Wtf even happened at the end? That felt like it came out of nowhere
Jun 13, 2024 8:38 PM

Jul 2017
Sato and Chika heading to Asaka's place, and what they find is a pigsty of garbage proportions, working together like this for a breather.

Thanks to their efforts, the fans stepped up for them in social media, and the discourse gets quelled over time, for the better. Back to the anime audition for Fire Sorcerer Yukke, both Sato and Chika are fighting for their respective roles, though Sato received Director Kamishiro's call for his own Phantom Soldier anime, thanks to sound director Sugishita finding her potential voicing as an antagonist. And all that work in a day with an anime that's listed with veterans and picking an amateur like Sato, Chika's father is also analyzing Sato in their usual environments, like with the radio show, going back to their previous personas.

Things between Sato and Chika have their moments, and especially with Phantom Soldier where Sato passed her audition, which she wanted to tell Chika, but that she found out first before the news, leaving her all jealous about it. Both girls being in the sound recording room with veteran VAs, it's a privilege to stand alongside legends, but it's another to actually perform that same work due to expectations, which she flounders with her lines, leaving Sugishita no choice but to compromise with her subpar performance, while also encouraging her at the same time. Conspicuously, Sato holding up her usual facade of excuses, it's not going through to Chika, not after all they've been through.

This is Sato's first individual blunder, after having criticized Chika all this time, karma came back to bite her the same way.
Jun 28, 2024 4:21 PM
Jan 2023
Yasumi managed to get cast in a big anime production, but got her confidence completely crushed. Such a relatable feeling, trying to do something you're supposed to be good at and failing miserably in front of others, especially people you look up to.

I mean, we knew Mirei was a workaholic, but come on, that's literally insane, like how do you even live like that.

Very good episode indeed.
Jul 16, 2024 4:07 PM
Dec 2021
Utatane-chan </3 hope you get well :'(
kitohaJul 16, 2024 8:26 PM
Aug 2, 2024 10:31 PM

Apr 2015
This is my favorite ep so far, the music has been so good those last few episodes
Dec 16, 2024 5:18 AM
Aug 2017
Ok good, this already looks like a much better arc than the previous one (not that that's a high bar to clear). Interested to see how she manages to improve her voice work given there's not exactly gonna be much time for practicing it.

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